Thursday, February 21, 2008

Why I Love Snowy Days?

It is a day like this that I love about Indiana: snow as fine as powder, as white as puffy clouds, falling off the sky like sheer curtains, drifted by mild artic wind that is blowing northeastward, blankets the ground in the purest, cleanest and most peaceful form.

It is a day like this that I sit in front of the window, wrapped myself in a warm blanket, sipping a cup of hot chocolate topped with a few full swirls of whipped cream, gazing out of the window, enjoying the beautiful scenery as if I am watching a silent movie.

It is a day like this that I find myself daydreaming by the window seats in the study room, awed by the wonder of mother nature and the formation of the snow flakes, my mind wandering away into my own other world, my eyes following the falling snow flakes with purposeless as if I am in trance.

It is a day like this that makes me forget about my hatred towards the cruel bone-chilling artic winter winds when I walk across the parking lots, my near-accidents when i hit my brakes on the slippery icy roads and my second, third and subsequent guesses on my decision about staying in this cold country. All the questions I have about winter is absolutely well worthy just for a day like this.

I hope by now you understand why I choose here as my home, at least for the next so many years in my short life. Short, in compared to the life of the universe.

1 comment:

CP said...

Hmmm... never had such experience b4...

you stopped bloggin?